About My Project

The Guiliano Fellowship funded my senior honors thesis research, which was focused on a small primate fossil found during field work in Kenya in the summer of 2019. I travelled to Nairobi and spent a week at the Nairobi National Museum's Paleontology Department, studying other small primate fossils dated to the same time period as the fossil we found during field work. The main objective of my trip was to use a laser surface scanner to record 3D models of the other primate fossils, and to collect measurements and photographs of them as well.


Lydia Myers ’20 Digs Into the Past
Lydia Myers ’20 Digs Into the Past

“Just being where we’re finding bones, pottery, beads and other artifacts – right as it’s happening – is the coolest thing ever,” says Lydia Myers ’20, an undergraduate researcher who […]


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