Fellow Updates

Lydia Myers ’20 Digs Into the Past
September 6, 2018 Lydia Myers ’20 Digs Into the Past
“Just being where we’re finding bones, pottery, beads and other artifacts – right as it’s happening – is the coolest thing ever,” says Lydia Myers ’20, an undergraduate researcher who […]
Vishal Rathi Wants to Save the Planet
January 10, 2018 Vishal Rathi Wants to Save the Planet
NYIT-Vancouver student Valentina Lameda interviews classmate Vishal Rathi about studying abroad and how NYIT’s engergy management program is helping realize his dream of saving the planet.
Shenger “Anna” Dai
October 18, 2017 Student Profile: Shenger “Anna” Dai
“Architecture not just about a single building,” she says. “You have to look at it from a larger scale: how to improve the street traffic and encourage the use of […]
Providing Healthcare in Ghana
August 23, 2017 Video: Providing Healthcare in Ghana
Justin Morris traveled to Osiem, Ghana for medical outreach and service learning, documenting the experience with dozens of photographs and this video to show how the experience impacted him.
Destination: Cuba
February 17, 2017 Destination: Cuba
Christa Lopez and Vasiliki Sgourdou (both graduate students majoring in communication arts) knew they shared the same desire for traveling around the world; they wanted to listen to people’s stories and relate those […]
Meet Usman Aslam, Presidential Global Fellow
December 3, 2015 Meet Usman Aslam, Presidential Global Fellow
“The best part of going on medical missions is being able to see the immediate effects of my work helping people,” says Usman Aslam. In June 2015, Aslam embarked on […]


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